Studies and scientific evidence related to spell casting

Studies and scientific evidence related to spell casting

When the word “magic spell” is heard it immediately raises a feeling of insecurity, as it is not always considered a transparent subject. The amount of information available on the internet, makes it hard to find scientific evidence and studies to support and validate its content.

Knowing if the presented information is true can be a hard task, facts and myths can often be combined and urban legends fused with reality.

Discernment and research are key.

Spell casting first gained its relevance in the Greco-Roman empire being of frequent occurrence in Egypt in relation with astrology and astronomy.

Research suggests a relation between magic, spell casting, Neurobiology, Psychology and the placebo effect previously studied by Richard Brockman, associate clinical professor of the department of Psychiatry of the University of Columbia.

While facing modern times, more studies and information are being found, there is a growing interest in the subject and both professionals and curious researchers are willing to look for answers and expand their knowledge into spiritual matters, perhaps because even as we face modern times, magic is still a popular subject and there is a reasonable amount of practitioners on the field.

In ancient Egypt, medical texts concerning child birth were found with incantations, spells that would influence labour either accelerating the process or protecting the unborn human.

Let’s not forget that given the time, Egypt was one of the most advanced cultures having techniques that even nowadays scientists have not fully decoded or understood.

In rural Nepal, studies were conducted in a village that has been labelled as “possessed” and concluded that “(…) results clearly indicate that spirit possession is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that cannot be mapped onto any single psychiatric or psychological diagnostic category or construct.” – Cult Med Psychiatry, December 2014.

But also in other parts of the world connections to spell casting have been found, in the indigenous Balinese medicine, texts with healing powers have been found and accepted as a legitimate form of treatment.

The author of the study says “Most healers employ mantras, spells and inscriptions from the texts because they believe them to have innate power which can heal.”

A small portion of those indigenous Balinese healers are literate in archaic language that is used in the manuscripts and is different from the way people from the West read medical documents.

The scripts are used to align the body with the macrocosm but also to connect to beliefs of their ancestors.

Ayurveda is very popular in India however, what many people do not know is that part of the healing provided was also done through spell casting and spells that were used for the specific purpose.

While in the western world the most popular uses for spells are love spells and spells used to retrieve a lost love and fix broken relationships, in other cultures and countries spells are mainly used to connect with spirit, the gods or for healing and medicinal purposes.

When Ayurveda was systematized a large part of those spells were disempowered while spells that had a specific purpose meaning that they were used to treat specific diseases and conditions remained their power.  With records dating back to the 4th century, Indian Buddhism was particularly fond of healing spells,

Years later, texts were also brought to Asian countries becoming popular there, however its magnitude cannot be fully understood until today as scholars have only superficially studied the subject.





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